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发布时间:2024-06-21 来源:新闻中心 浏览:




Youth in Full Bloom, Striving for a Better Future

--Speech at the Graduation Ceremony and Conferment Ceremony of the 2024 Graduates

Qin He



Dear students, teachers, and parents

Good morning!


In June, JISU is brimming with vitality. Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the 2024 Commencement and Degree Conferral Ceremony and witness the joyous and glorious moment for the Class of 2024. On behalf of JISU, I would like to extend warmest congratulations to the 3884 graduates who have successfully completed their studies and sincerest thanks to all the parents and teachers who have worked tirelessly throughout this whole journey!


Dear students,Graduation marks the end of a journey; yet it also signifies the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Here in JISU you have strived for excellence, worked hard, read extensively, sweat on the sports fields, and had deep conversations. The nurturing and experiences at university has helped you master systematic and profound knowledge, honed your abilities and cultivated independent and mature thinking. Among you are A-graders, competition winners, outstanding stars in arts and sports, volunteers, and aspiring youths ready to serve where the country needs them most. The list goes on. JISU has witnessed your determined efforts. You have embodied our school motto, “Integrate East and the West, Cultivate Ambition and Character” through your actions. This is the fruition of our educational philosophy, which centers on students and aims to provide the most responsible education, and it is also the treasure of your life. In you, I see ideals, faith, responsibility, and achievements!


Dear students,Through your efforts and perseverance, you have become better versions of yourselves and at the same time contributed to the development of our school. Following the renaming to a university, we have embarked on a new journey of innovation, striving to build the “six major highlands”. Our school has been recognized as a Class A high-level application-oriented university in Jilin Province and a Class A Doctoral Degree Granting Units Project Construction university. For five consecutive years, from 2020 to 2024, we have topped the China Non-government University Ranking by Shanghai Ranking. The achievements of our school have been highly praised and acclaimed. Former Vice Minister of Education and President of the China Association of Higher Education, Du Yubo, a witness to the JISU’s reform and development, marveled at our school’s dramatic transformation 11 years after his first visit to our campus. He praised that “JISU, this beautiful university, has made historic accomplishments and undergone structural changes.” Dear students, today, you are proud of your school; in the future, your successes will make your alma mater proud too!


Dear students,“The life of youth has always been closely linked to the times.” During your college years, you have witnessed milestone moments, including the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the achievement of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party. These events have further strengthened your faith, beliefs, and confidence. Currently, the world is undergoing unprecedented changes, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. Standing at this new starting point, the golden period of your lives will span the entire process of achieving the second centenary goal, intertwining with the nation’s path to rejuvenation. This is a golden opportunity as well as the mission of our times. Before you leave, I would like to share three insights with you, which also serve as my blessings and expectations for you.


First, I hope you always keep ideals in your heart and harbor a deep love for your country. President Xi Jinping reiterated, “Youth in the modern era should establish ideals and beliefs that align with the themes of our times and undertake the historical responsibilities bestowed by this era.” Ideals and beliefs are the spiritual pillars of a person. With firm and noble ideals and beliefs, you can nurture a profound love for China and forge a strong will dedicated to the greater good. A meaningful life is never predetermined but unfolds through a series of proactive choices. Only by actively serving and contributing to the country can one continually elevate the scope of their life and the heights of their career. As you step into society, you are about to shoulder the responsibilities towards your nation and its people. No matter what positions you hold or professions you pursue in the future, I hope you always align your ideals and life with the future of the country. Make your mark on the era and give your life eternal value. As the saying goes, “A favorable wind lifts me, carrying me to lofty heights.” I hope you always harbor lofty ambitions and a broad vision. Align your youthful journey with the historical mission of advancing Chinese modernization. Master foreign languages, be good Chinese citizens, forge ahead, and realize your dreams!


Secondly, I hope you always uphold a sense of responsibility and strive to develop strong abilities. Life rewards diligence. Many a great achievement in life stems from unwavering dedication. In today’s world, new knowledge and technologies are constantly emerging, product cycles have been shortened, and artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT has brought profound changes to our learning, work, and lifestyles. These advancements not only provide more opportunities for you to showcase your talents but also demand higher standards of you. Broaden your horizons through endeavors and prioritize learning. In an era full of uncertainties, the passion for continuous learning and the ability to constantly improve present you the greatest certainties and will become your competitive edge. Believe in the power of knowledge, actively adapt to the changes brought by AI, and embrace the future with an open and collaborative mind. Learning and talents can make you well-equipped. Nourished by knowledge and wisdom, refined in character, and enhanced in skills during your college years, you have built a strong foundation for future life. “Life has its limits, but knowledge knows no bounds.” As you step into society, remember that theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. Embrace the principle of “learning from practice”, integrate new knowledge, broaden your perspectives so as to make your due contribution to the development of our nation.


Thirdly, I hope you always do things in a down-to-earth way and remain steadfast in your pursuit. Life is boundless, and success comes through perseverance. As the ancients said, “A sharp sword is honed through rigorous sharpening, and the plum blossom’s fragrance comes from enduring harsh winter.” This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In just a few decades, our country has developed by leaps and bounds. This achievement is the result of generations of hard work and the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation. Dear students, growth requires patience, and success demands perseverance. Time, the great magician, never fails those who strive and never hesitates to reward those who persevere. Every bit of effort you put in each day will turn into enormous advantages for your future development. “The path of ascending is more thrilling than reaching the peak.” Life is not always smooth sail, but you must always nurture the power to grow and seek the value and meaning of life. With each fearless exploration and daring venture in the face of challenges, you will emerge stronger. “With collective effort, there is no goal unattainable; with shared wisdom, there is no task unachievable.” Embrace diversity. Maintain a healthy mindset, be confident and self-reliant, make the most of your time, and elevate yourselves. Hard work pays off. Dear students, I hope you will always bear your responsibilities, and embrace the spirit of practicality, excellence, striving, and dedication that defines our school. Uphold the spirit of “great undertakings start with meticulous effort”, be persistent and hardworking, and aim to carry on and practice. Write a life chapter worthy of the times and your youth!


Dear students,The diligent create opportunities, the strong generate power, the brave inspire hope, and the wise achieve miracles. Wherever you go and however far you go, JISU will always be your strong support. Let’s strive forward together, until we meet next time!


Finally, I sincerely wish all students a bright future and success in your journey ahead!