Embracing your dreams and striving forward
-- President Qin He’s Speech at 2017 Commencement Ceremony
Dear faculty and parents, My fellow students, Good morning!
We are gathering here today for the Commencement Ceremony for graduates of Class 2017. Today is one the most important days in your life, marking the completion of your university studies. I’d like to, on behalf of the entire university, congratulate each graduate for your successful completion of study, and to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and staff for their hard work, and my solute to all the parents, for your selfless love and sacrifice.
Towards graduation, you have been taking photos everywhere on campus for future memory. Whenever I came across graduates on campus, I always stopped to take photos with them to keep the moment. I read your farewell articles to Huawai and today I’d like to share two parts from it: Zhang Yuan, from Preschool Education major, wrote, “Four years of university life just flew by. My heart is filled with sensation, expectation but especially gratitude in particular. I’m thankful for having learnt how to learn and how to be at Huawai.” Li Zhiwei of Portuguese major wrote, “I didn’t expect to love Huawai so much when I first came here. I have so many memories that I’ll recall them often in future. I promise myself to walk on Huawai campus and eat at Huawai dining halls again…” Besides, I still remember the opinions and insights you shared on President Open Day. Dear students, it is your commitment and excellence that inspires me to work so hard for my education career.
The famous writer Liu Qing wrote, “There are but a few key steps in the long course of life – steps in youth.” Four years of university life is short but most precious, because your mind is enriched here and your values shaped. A university is a spiritual palace engraved with your youth and your passion.
Each university has her own feature and culture. Huawai’s dedication for public welfare, her non-profit commitment, and her pursuit of excellence in education have gained us a high reputation. The university has made remarkable achievements in fostering talents and offering the most responsible education. Many honors were given to us in the past four years such as being selected into Basic Capacity Construction Project in Middle and West China’s Universities, “top 50 universities in placement”, “top 10 universities of credibility”, etc. Moreover, the new dining hall and the high-quality International Exchange Building have been put into use; a new, modern library and a new, international Global Village will be in construction soon.
Dear fellow students, you are both witnesses and participators for the fast development of Huawai in the past four years. I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to you, for your support and sacrifice, and for your understanding and your outstanding performances in all kinds of volunteer activities and competitions!
My dear students, I quote Mr. Qi Gong, “You start your education as your school life starts, but graduation doesn’t fulfill your knowledge acquiring. You may start your social life today, but it takes a whole life to be established”. You are graduating from Huawai, but you’ll never graduate from life. After bidding farewell to Huawai, you’ll start your social journey towards your ideals. At this moment, I’d like to make four proposals to you.
First, I hope you to set a high goals and always love our motherland. “The greatest happiness lies in fighting fro ideals”, which guide one’s path and success of life. You’ll save yourself much time by setting specific goals at a young age. “Promising youths make a promising country.” I call on you to connect your own values to the future of China and seize every minute to create an excellent life!
第二句话:做人第一,崇德修身。但丁说:“一个知识不健全的人可以用道德去弥补,而一个道德不健全的人却难于用知识去弥补。” 人无德不立,国无德不兴。做人一辈子,人格做底子。希望同学们把做人作为第一追求,把崇德修身作为第一需要。作为外语外事人才,无论是留学、考研、还是工作,都要具有国家意识和国际视野,都要守住道德的底线,严守国家政治纪律和外事纪律与规则。单纯不为别有用心的人所利用,青春不被境内外敌对势力和不法分子所“渗透”。要记住,你们是华外培养的堂堂正正的中国人!同学们,当你们踏入社会,多元价值观念呈现在你面前,你的内心要坚守住诚实与正直。孟子曰:“诚者,天之道也,思诚者,人之道也。”诚信是一个人的立身之本,是一个人存在于社会之中的最基本的道德依存。信用一旦建立,就会形成一种无形的力量,成为一种无形的财富。没有了诚信,一切便不复存在。希望同学们要树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,努力做一个品德高尚、德才兼备的人!
Second, I hope you to pursue high level of morality. Dante, the Italian writer, said, “One’s morality can compensate for his deficiency in knowledge, while deficiency in morality can hardly be compensated by knowledge.” Morality makes the foundation for both a person and a country. As talents of foreign language and foreign affairs, you’re supposed to work with patriotism and an international vision, always abiding by laws and regulations. When faced with various values and standards, I hope you will stick to your integrity and credibility, which will be an invisible force and fortune as well as the root of your future success.
Third, I hope you to keep lifelong learning with an innovative mind. Under the context of knowledge upgrading and scientific development and with the momentum of Internet Plus and big data, all the changes in the world today bring us unprecedented pressure and challenges. “An educated gentleman cannot but be resolute and broad-minded, for he has taken up a heavy responsibility and a long course.” I hope you’ll never cease learning and put your knowledge into use in practical work, as you expand your horizon and acquire new skills through learning. Remember, it’s never too late to learn.
Last, I hope you to always strive for excellence. Whichever profession you will choose, you need to have passion for it to succeed. Jobs should be taken as responsibility rather than ways of making a living, and what you choose to do beyond your working hours decides your final success. Without responsibility, you will lose the beacon not only for what to do, but also for how to be. One without the attitude of striving for perfection in details will never make great achievements. When you're faced against difficulties, I hope you'll exhibit perseverance and keep going beyond yourself with the spirit of Huawai citizens in your future life!
Dear fellow students, university life has kindled your dreams and trained you to realize them. Graduation marks both an end and a beginning. I believe you are ready to embrace the era of innovation and its boundless opportunities!
I hope you will always think of Huawai as your sweet home and you're always welcome to come back! I wish all of you a prosperous future! Thank you!